These pages are intended to provide concise information on projects applying computing technologies to Classical/Ancient Historical research. Should you know of any relevant project, please feel free to create a page with the title, URL, and a brief description, and give it the category tag [[category:projects]] which will cause it to be indexed on this page.
Pages in category "Projects"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 595 total.
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- A Collaborative Experiment In Learning Latin Style
- A Nastro Inscriptions from Roman Catacombs
- Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS)
- AGILe lemmatizer for Ancient Greek
- Album of scribes of Greek manuscripts in Spain
- Amici Populi Romani
- Analytical Onomasticon to the Metamorphoses of Ovid
- Ancient European Languages And Writings
- Ancient Graffiti Project
- Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank
- Ancient Greek WordNet
- Ancient Lives
- Ancient Mediterranean Digital Project
- Ancient Olympics webpage
- Ancient Ports - Ports Antique
- Ancient World Online
- Ancient World Open Bibliographies
- Anthologia Graeca
- Antikythera Mechanism
- Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity 2004
- Apparatus Inscriptions (Agostinelli)
- Arabic Commentaries on the Hippocratic Aphorisms
- Arabic Papyrology Database
- Arabic Papyrus, Parchment & Paper Collection at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
- Arabic-Latin Glossary
- Arachne
- Archaeological Atlas of Antiquity
- Archaeology Data Service
- Archaeology of Greater London online map
- Archaic Etruscan Tomb Painting
- Archeometric analysis of inks from Coptic manuscripts
- Arches Project
- Archetype
- Archimedes Palimpsest
- Archimedes Project
- Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature
- Archive of Watermarks and Papers in Greek Manuscripts
- Argos
- Ariadne
- Aristoteles Latinus Database
- Art of Making in Antiquity
- Artefacts
- Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project
- Atlas Project of Roman Aqueducts
- Atlomy
- Attic Inscriptions Online
- Attic Vase Inscriptions
- Augmenting Archaeological Walks (Chrysanthi)
- Aurelii Augustini De Civitate Dei: An Electronic Edition (Franzini)
- Auxilia Epigraphica
- Banque de Données des Epiclèses Grecques
- Beazley Archive Pottery Database
- Berlin Sundials Project
- Beta Masaheft
- Beth Mardutho
- Beyond Notability Wiki
- Biblindex
- Bibliographie papyrologique en ligne
- Biblioteca Digitale della Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
- Biblioteca Iuris Antiqui
- Bibliotheca Iuris Antiqui
- Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux
- Biblissima
- Big Ancient Mediterranean
- Black Death Digital Archive Project
- Boethius in Early Medieval Europe
- Bridge
- British Library Digitised Manuscripts
- Brucheion
- Brussels Coptic Database
- Byzantine Text of John
- Callimachus
- Cambridge Greek Lexicon Project
- Canadian Centre for Epigraphic Documents (and Journal)
- Canopos
- CapiTainS
- Carmina Latina Epigraphica Galliae
- Carmina Latina Epigraphica Hispaniae
- CARTography Project
- Catalog-of-deities
- Catalogue Digital Editions
- Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts
- Catalogue of Greek and Latin Literary papyri, or Mertens-Pack³ (MP³)
- Catalogue of Paraliterary Papyri
- Cataloguing Open Access Classics Serials
- Catullus Online
- Celtic Inscribed Stones
- Celtic Personal Names of Roman Britain
- Celtic Personal Names of Roman Britain (CPNRB)
- Chicago Homer
- China Biographical Database
- CIL Open Access
- Claros Concordance of Greek Inscriptions
- Classical Works Knowledge Base
- Classicizing Philadelphia
- Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity
- Clio
- Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic
- Coinage of the Macedonian Kings of the Argead Dynasty
- Coinage of the Roman Republic Online
- CoinHoards
- Collection of Greek Ritual Norms
- Colloquia familiaria: a selection
- Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon
- Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age
- Concordia
- Connecting Late Antiquities
- Copenhagen Associations Project (CAP)
- Coptic Gnostic Library
- Coptic Magical Papyri
- Cornell Greek Epigraphy
- Corona Atlas of the Middle East
- Corpus Coranicum
- Corpus Coranicum Christianum
- Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum
- Corpus inscriptionum latinarum
- Corpus Medicorum Graecorum
- Corpus Nummorum
- Corpus of Ancient Label Inscriptions
- Corpus of Aramaic Inscriptions
- Corpus of Campa Inscriptions
- Corpus of Gāndhārī Texts
- Corpus of Nabataean Inscriptions
- Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions
- Corpus of Pyu Inscriptions
- Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions
- Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum
- A Corpus-based Approach to Philological Issues (Boschetti)
- Cretan Institutional Inscriptions
- Cross-cultural After-Life of Classical Sites
- Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity
- Cultural contact in Early Roman Spain through Linked Open Data (Granados)
- Culture Crime News
- Curse Tablets from Roman Britain
- Curses in Context
- Cyark
- Cylleneus
- Cyropaedia
- D-Scribes
- Daidalos database of ancient sculpture
- DAMOS Database of Mycenaean at Oslo
- Danubius
- Dar al-Kutub: Collection of the Egyptian National Library
- Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic
- Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams
- Database of Ottoman Inscriptions
- Database of Temples of the Classical World
- Datenbank der demotisch und griechisch bezeugten Personen aus Soknopaiu Nesos
- Datenbank zur jüdischen Grabsteinepigraphik
- Death on the Nile
- Demetrios Database for Septuagint Greek
- Demos
- DendroSearch
- DEpHis (Divine Epithets in Hispania)
- Desert Networks
- Deutsche Inschriften Online
- Diachronic Interactive Lexicon of Greek
- DiBS - Digital Byzantine Studies
- Diccionario Griego-Español
- Dickinson College Commentaries
- Dictionnaire Historique et Encyclopédie Linguistique du Latin
- Die Inschriften von Philippi im Bild
- DigiByzSeal
- DigiPal
- Digital Acropolis Museum
- Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions
- Digital Athenaeus
- Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations
- Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
- Digital Augustan Rome
- Digital bread and circuses
- Digital Codex Sinaiticus
- Digital Corpus for Graeco-Arabic Studies
- Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri
- Digital Critical Edition Of Homer (Salvagni)
- Digital Edition of the Fragments of Demetrios of Skepsis
- Digital encyclopedia of atticism
- Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project
- Digital FGrHist 104 (Liuzzo)
- Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG)
- Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri
- Digital Hadrian's Villa Project
- Digital Humanities in Papyrology (Vannini)
- Digital Incunabula
- Digital Karnak
- Digital Latin Library
- Digital library of late-antique Latin texts
- Digital Mappa
- Digital Marmor Parium
- Digital Mishnah
- Digital Nestle-Aland Prototype
- Digital Ottoman Projects
- Digital Periegesis
- Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic