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Thessalonica (СОЛУНЬ in Russian), developed by Alexej Kryukov, is a set of keyboard input methods and converters which enable writing, among others, polytonic (classical) Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew, using Unicode encoding. It provides, therefore, a Greek keyboard (among others). The most advanced version of Thessalonica is a module for the office suite (similar and compatible to MS Office). It is distributed under the conditions of the GNU General Public License.

The combination of and Thessalonica can be used on several platforms, including Windows and Linux.

The most recent version of Thessalonica for is 2.9/3.0 beta (2008/11/18), requiring at least 2.1 with Java JRE 1.5 or higher. The distribution includes converter description files for WinGreek and WinLanguage Polytonic Greek encodings (making Thessalonica function similar to e. g. Greek Transcoder or Greek Font to Unicode Converter); further special conversions are programmable.

Syriac Input Method for Thessalonica

There is an independently developed and freely downloadable Syriac Input Method which uses Thessalonica under OpenOffice to allow users to type Syriac characters, points and marks directly into their documents alongside text in other languages and orthographies.

See also

Thessalonica website website