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  • Alessio Sopracasa
  • Martina Filosa


From Sopracasa-Filosa 2020 (accessed 2020-10-06):

SigiDoc is an XML-based and TEI-compliant effort for the encoding of Byzantine seals. SigiDoc represents the first attempt to extend the digital approach––already applied to inscriptions, coins and papyri––to Byzantine seals (and bread stamps). The project—which has been discussed, albeit without results, in the framework of Byzantine studies since the early 2000s—was taken up in 2015 by Alessio Sopracasa as part of his Marie Curie fellowship, and the work is currently continuing through a collaboration between Paris, London and Cologne, particularly with Martina Filosa. SigiDoc is in a fairly advanced development phase and currently allows the display of metadata dealing with the seal as an object, such as physical description, history of the seal, typology, description of the iconography, as well as the critical edition of the legend, along with apparatus criticus and commentary. The transformation of XML documents into a webpage, various indexing possibilities, a search interface as well as multi-lingual features are delivered to SigiDoc by EFES (EpiDoc Front-End Services).

Early steps in the direction of this project were taken at a Workshop in London in 2006.


  • Alessio Sopracasa & Martina Filosa. “Encoding Byzantine Seals: SigiDoc.” Atti del IX Convegno Annuale AIUCD. La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica. Milano: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2020. Available: