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  • Mark Depauw


Trismegistos is an interdisciplinary portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources, formerly Egypt and the Nile valley (800 BC-AD 800), now expanding to the Ancient World in general.

From January 2020: a subscription model was implemented, and many functionalities (including functional search in most categories) are available only for paying institutions. A fundraising campaign, Keep TM Alive, is in operation.

TM projects

TM Texts

The Texts database is the core component of the Trismegistos project. It provides metadata about papyrological and epigraphical resources from the Ancient World, aiming to incorporate information about all texts from antiquity.

TM People

The People database, building on the Prosopographia Ptolemaica, is a complex set of prosopographical and onomastic databases. At the heart of the structure is the REF database, which lists attestations of people identified by personal names. It is linked to PER, a database of individuals, and to NAMVAR, a database of personal name variants which is in turn linked to NAM, a database of names.

TM Places

The Places database, expanding the geographic database of the Fayum project, is a set of places in Egypt and increasingly also outside (in view of the expansion of TM to the ancient world in general). As of July 2019, there are entries for 55604 ancient and modern places, all somehow connected with the ancient world. It contains attestations of toponyms in texts, but is also linked to the provenance field in Trismegistos Texts.

TM Collections

The Collections database, built on the Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Collections (LHPC), is a set of modern institutional and private collections of texts and their inventory numbers. It is searchable both separately and in the Texts database.

TM Archives

The Archives database, also built on the Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Collections (LHPC), is a set of collections of texts in antiquity, mainly in Egypt, and the texts that are part of these archives. It is searchable separately, leading to the texts themselves.

TM Authors

Trismegistos Authors contains works of classical authors, but by no means all works of all authors. Trismegistos focuses on texts for which there is physical evidence before AD 800. Most mediaeval manuscripts of Greek and Latin authors are more recent, and will thus not necessarily be included in the Author database.

TM Editors

Trismegistos Editors is a database of currently 20894 scholars active in the world of editing texts, primarily papyrological but also, although less exhaustively, epigraphical. Other areas, such as the edition of authors, are only tangentially covered. Much of the information about editors is presented through TM Networks.

TM Networks

Trismegistos Networks currently offers two options: networks used for scholarly research and range of networks as add-ons for various online Trismegistos databases.

TM Words

Trismegistos Words is an online interface allowing you to browse a fully automatically annotated version of the Greek documentary papyrus corpus (ca. 4.5 million words) for morphology and lemmata. The accuracy of morphological interpretation is about 95% and users are invited to report errors.

TM Calendar

Trismegistos Calendar origins from a list of days that were linked to the dates in Trismegistos, initially for the period 800 BC - AD 800, afterwards the chronological scope was expanded to 3500 BC - AD 1000. Right now it should be seen as a tool to facilitate finding texts in Trismegistos starting from a chronological interest, although lists of Egyptian regnal years, indiction years or Roman consular years can also be consulted.

TM Data Services

Trismegistos Data Services groups services such as APIs or data dumps that offers open access to various TM data such as TM Places or Persons (with a CC BY-SA 4.0 license).

  1. TexRelations Matcher
  2. GeoRelations Matcher
  3. GeoResponder
  4. GeoRDF & RDF-extended
  5. Geo table dump
  6. PerResponder: request information from the Trismegistos People portal (using the TM PER_ID) in JSON format
  7. PerRDF: request information from the Trismegistos People portal (using the TM PER_ID) in RDF format


See also