PHI Greek Inscriptions

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The Packard Humanities Institute, in conjunction with Cornell University and The Ohio State University make available online an extensive corpus of Greek inscriptions, intended to supersede the CD-ROMs PHI originally distributed. As of 2014, the website made searchable approximately 210,000 Greek inscriptions. There is very little information about the collection strategy or responsibilities published at the site.

From the PHI website (accessed 2021-08-03):

In its first decade (1987–1997), PHI devoted most of its attention to creating electronic databases in three areas: (1) Latin literature, (2) Ancient Greek inscriptions, (3) Founding Fathers of American democracy (Benjamin Franklin and others). At one time, more than 3000 PHI CD ROMs were licensed to scholars and institutions in over 50 countries.

One of PHI's oldest projects is a comprehensive database of all ancient Greek inscriptions, which is extraordinarily useful to an extraordinarily small number of expert epigraphers.


Access is free (cost) to all who accept their terms of use, but re-use is not permitted.

Indeed, at the homepage of the PHI Greek Inscriptions website, the following statement can be read (Accessed 2020-12-01):

I agree to use this web site only for personal study and not to make copies except for my personal use under “Fair Use” principles of Copyright law.

CD Rom

Previously to the appearance of the Greek Inscriptions website, the Cornell database was distributed by PHI as a licensed CD Rom under the title: PHI CD ROM #7: Greek Inscriptions, which used the same underlying Beta Code format and file encryption as the TLG and Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri databases.
