London Charter
- Richard Beacham
- Franco Niccolucci
- Hugh Denard
- Sorin Hermon
- and many others
The London Charter for the Computer-based Visualisation of Cultural Heritage is a set of guidelines aiming to "reconcile heritage visualization with professional norms of research, particularly the standards of argument and evidence."
- Beacham, R.; H. Denard and Niccolucci, F. 2006, 'An Introduction to the London Charter', in Ioannides, M. et al. (eds), The e-volution of Information Communication Technology in Cultural Heritage: where hi-tech touches the past: risks and challenges for the 21st century, Short papers from the joint event CIPA/VAST/EG/EuroMed, Budapest: Archaeolingua. Available:
- Bentkowska-Kafel, A. and Denard, H. (eds.) Paradata and Transparency in Virtual Heritage. Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities Series (Ashgate, 2012)
- Denard, Hugh “A New Introduction to the London Charter” in A. Bentkowska-Kafel, D. Baker & H. Denard (eds.) Paradata and Transparency in Virtual Heritage Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities Series (Ashgate, 2012) 57-71. Available: