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These pages are intended to provide concise information on projects applying computing technologies to Classical/Ancient Historical research. Should you know of any relevant project, please feel free to create a page with the title, URL, and a brief description, and give it the category tag [[category:projects]] which will cause it to be indexed on this page.
Pages in category "Projects"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 595 total.
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- E-codices: Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
- E-sequence
- E-Stampages
- EAGLE Network
- Eamena
- EAqua
- Early Inscriptions of Āndhradeśa
- EDiAna – Dictionary of the Minor Languages of Ancient Anatolia
- Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer
- Egyptian Imports in Archaic Sicily (Minniti)
- Eichstaett Concordance of Greek and Latin inscriptions (ConcEyst)
- Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
- Electronic Boethius
- Electronic Text Reuse Acquisition Project (eTRAP)
- Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World
- Epic Poetry Network
- EpiCherchel
- EpiDoc
- EpiGIS
- Epigrafia 3D
- Epigraph
- Epigraphic Corpus of Georgia
- Epigraphic Database Bari
- Epigraphic Database Falsae (EDF)
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg
- Epigraphic Database Roma
- Epigraphic Database Vernacular
- Epigraphic Landscape of Athens
- Epigraphic Sources for Early Greek Writing
- Epigraphica 3.0
- Epigraphica Romana
- Epigraphie en reseau (Lamé)
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss-Slaby
- Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien
- Epistula 121
- Epistula 124
- EPNet Project
- Eratosthenica
- Escriptorium
- ETraces
- Etruscan Texts Project
- Etygram
- Euripides scholia
- Eurykleia
- Everyday Writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt
- Extracting Information from Classics Scholarly Texts (Romanello)
- Gateway to the Syriac Saints
- Gazetteer of Papyri in British Collections
- GeoDia
- Geography of Knowledge in Assyria and Babylonia
- GeoLat
- Ghent Database of Roman Guilds and Occupation-Based Communities (GDRG)
- Glottothèque
- Google Earth Rome
- Grammar of Medieval Greek
- Grammateus
- Greco-Roman Prosopographies
- Greek Drama Corpus
- Greek Fragmentary Tragedians Online
- Greek Inscriptions Online
- Greek Into Arabic
- Greek Paleography from Antiquity to the Renaissance
- GreekSchools
- Guide to Evagrius Ponticus
- Gǝʿǝz Morphological Parser
- Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei
- Harpokration On Line
- Harvard Papyri Online
- Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens
- Hellenistic Babylonia: Texts Images Names
- Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus
- Heritage Gazetteer of Libya
- Hesperia Palaeohispanic Languages Data Bank
- Hethitologie Portal Mainz
- Hill Museum and Manuscript Library
- Hispania Epigraphica
- Historic Graves
- Homer and the Papyri
- Homer Multitext
- Humslides
- Hydrical administration
- I.Sicily
- I.Sicily EpiDoc Viewer
- ICAM / ICG – Inscriptiones Christianae Asiae Minoris / Graeciae
- ICS Ehrenberg 3D Collection
- ICT in Arts and Humanities Research
- IDAI.publications
- IDEs
- Illuminated Dante Project
- Imaging Papyri
- Index Thomisticus Treebank
- Inscripta
- Inscriptional palaeography in a multilingual province (Stoyanova)
- Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae
- Inscriptiones Graecae et Latinae Bruttiorum (BILG)
- Inscriptiones Graecae Eystettenses
- Inscriptiones Graecae in Croatia Repertae
- Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie (IGLS)
- Inscriptions of Aphrodisias
- Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica
- Inscriptions of Israel Palestine
- Inscriptions of Libya
- Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica
- Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania
- Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea
- Integrating Digital Papyrology
- Integrating Linked Data with Ancient World Research Methodologies (Middle)
- Inter Libros
- Interactive Corpus of Indus Texts
- International Greek New Testament Project
- Inventory of Ancient Associations
- Inventory of Byzantine Churches on Cyprus
- Iscrizioni Latine Arcaiche
- Islamic History Geodata Initiative
- Italian Poetry in Latin
- Ithaca
- Lace: Greek OCR
- Last Statues of Antiquity
- Late Antique and Early Medieval Inscriptions
- Latin Inscriptions from Albania
- Latin Language in the Inscriptions from Roman Dacia (Beu-Dachin)
- Latin WordNet
- LatinNOW
- Latium Vetus
- Learning Ancient Greek
- Leges Populi Romani
- Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS)
- Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité en images
- Leuven Database of Ancient Books
- Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Collections
- Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae-France
- Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
- Lexicon Translaticium Latinum
- Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität
- LiLa: Linking Latin
- LIMES database
- Lincoln Archaeological Research Assessment
- Linked Data about Roman Emperors
- Linking and Querying Ancient Texts
- Literary sources for research on Rome’s Mediterranean ports (Garcia Casacuberta)
- Loebolus
- London Charter
- Léxico de magia y religión en los papiros mágicos griegos
- Magica Levantina
- Manar al-Athar Open-Access Photo-Archive
- Mapping Ancient Polytheisms
- Mapping Rome
- Mapping the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire
- Mapping the Martyrs
- Mapping the Via Appia
- MayaSim
- Mediaeval Warfare on the Grid
- Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
- MEGA-Jordan
- Meketre project
- Menota
- Mercator-E
- Metis QTVR
- Modeling Ancient Settlement Systems in a Complex Environment
- Monastic Manuscript Project
- Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI
- Musisque Deoque
- Musée Achéménide
- Mythlab