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From the project website (accessed 2020-110-10):

Callimachus is an automated regest of published papyri and ostraka in Greek, Latin (and Coptic papyri with Greek words). In other words, it provides a succint description of the formal contents of the text in the papyri hosted at the site. Additional info about the date, origin, material, etc., of the papyri (from the HGV database) is included in order to enrich queries. Callimachus includes both literary and non literary papyri.
Callimachus contains four kinds of information:
  • Countable features of the text, as encoded by the project. For instance, how many words, letters, gaps, letters per line, scribal hands, etc. can be found inside every document. Callimachus performs some calculations based on this info, like the average number of letters per line, as calculated from all the lines without gaps (or where the editor can estimate the number of missing letters).
  • An automated calculation of the state of the text of the papyrus ('Callimachus number'). In other words, how much (and how well) the original text of the papyrus can be read in the edition used by
    • Callimachus Readability Number (CRN) is a measure of the readability of the part of the text that was edited (0 (illegible) to 1 (perfectly legible))
    • Callimachus Conservation Number (CCN) is a measure of the conservation of the papyrus' text (0 (nothing preserved) to 1 (completely preserved))
  • Data about the papyrus (or ostrakon) itself, as provided by the project: Date, Origin, material, content, etc.
  • Several features that may appear in a papyrus, like the kind of glyphs, corrections, scribal hands (in literary papyri), etc. that were annotated by the partnerts of the project.
You can use Callimachus to search papyri containing any specific feature, or combination of features, or for building a corpus.