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--UlrichGehn (talk) 15:46, 22 February 2014 (UTC)

Last Statues of Antiquity – LSA Database

LSA is a searchable database of the published evidence for statuary and inscribed statue bases set up after AD 284, that were new, newly dedicated, or newly re-worked. It includes all published evidence for statuary produced, dedicated or re-dedicated in Late Antiquity, covering sculptural material, literary texts, as well as inscriptions. The database is a fully searchable tool that we hope will be of use for scholars of different disciplines. The database was constructed by a team working partly in Oxford and partly elsewhere. The person primarily responsible for each entry is named on each Discussion page, and we would be grateful if you would acknowledge their work when using their ideas. The project was devised and directed by R.R.R. Smith and Bryan Ward-Perkins. The main part of the research on the statuary was carried out by Julia Lenaghan, and that on the epigraphic evidence by Ulrich Gehn and Carlos Machado (the latter an external collaborator on the project, working at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. The technical manager, responsible for the computing side, was Jeremy Worth (ICT Manager of Oxford’s School of Archaeology). Silja Spranger, in writing a doctoral thesis on ‘Honorific statuary in the third century AD’, provided essential background to the developments of the fourth century and later.

A number of external collaborators provided entries in the database for the following bodies of material (and are credited on each Discussion page). Moreover, we were given invaluable and selfless help by a number of other scholars working in this field, who willingly shared with us their expertise and material; for all these see