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Principal Investigator

  • Jim Ginther


T‑PEN is a web-based tool for working with images of manuscripts. Users attach transcription data (new or uploaded) to the actual lines of the original manuscript in a simple, flexible interface.

  • Is an open and general tool for scholars of any technical expertise level
  • Allows transcriptions to be created, manipulated, and viewed in many ways
  • Collaborate with others through simple project management
  • Exports transcriptions as a pdf, XML (plaintext) for further processing, or contribute to a collaborating institution with a click
  • Respects existing and emerging standards for text, image, and annotation data storage
  • Avoids prejudice in data, allowing users to find new ways to work

As the tool links to new manuscript repositories, T-PEN as of 2012 has become an increasingly important resource for discovering online digital manuscripts.