Opera Latina

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Project Staff

  • D. Longrée (Project Leader)
  • G. Purnelle (Associate Project Leader)
  • L. Simon (Lead Programmer)


From the Classical Studies Review linked below (accessed 2020-09-29)

Opera Latina is a search interface from the Laboratoire d’Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes (LASLA) at the University of Liège that draws on over five decades of linguistic research on Latin literature to return the sort of descriptive details posed in the questions above. The database currently includes 154 works from 19 authors: Caesar, Cato, Catullus, Cicero, Horace, Juvenal, Lucretius, Ovid, Persius, Petronius, Plautus, Pliny the Younger, Propertius, Quintus Curtius Rufus, Sallust, Seneca the Younger, Tactius, Tibullus, and Vergil. For these authors, the majority of their output is available to be searched. There are in all 1,630,825 words. The most prominent gaps include Cicero’s correspondence, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and all but six of Plautus’s comedies.

Every word in the corpus has been annotated with the following information: the lemma, or dictionary head word (following Forcellini’s 1864 Lexicon totius latinitatis); the form of the word as it appears in the text; a citation with the word’s location in the text; the word’s morphology; and its subordinating syntax. Records are also flagged to distinguish ambiguous forms, mark proper nouns, and call attention to notable miscellany.


  • Review: Opera Latina Reviewed by Patrick J. Burns in Society for Classical Studies Digital Reviews (2017).