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From the website (accessed 2014-12-02):

LACTORs are a series of translations of source material for the study of Ancient History and Classical Civilisation, which do not assume any knowledge of ancient Greek or Latin on the reader’s part. They bring before the reader a wide range of Greek and Roman literary texts, documents, inscriptions and coins, which illuminate the history and civilisation of many areas and periods of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. They are particularly, but not exclusively, designed for use in sixth form or high school courses and university undergraduate programmes. LACTORs were initially published under the aegis of the London Association of Classical Teachers (L.A.C.T.), starting in 1968, but are now published by the LACTOR Committee, an independent non-profit-making body.

The LACTOR website was an interface to the publisher's catalogue for sale of printed books, although the texts of a few obsolete editions were available to download as Word (.doc) files.

The site is now archived, the URL above pointing only to a description of the decommissioned project and a screenshot of the old website.