Humanities Research and Continuous Publishing: a Digital New Testament Test-Case (HumaReC)
- Sara Schulthess
- Anastasia Chasapi
- Martial Sankar
- Claire Clivaz
Institutions and collaboration
HumaReC is a Vital-DH project@Vital-IT: it is developed at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics by an interdisciplinary collaboration between Digital Humanist researchers and researchers in bioinformatics and computer science.
Taken from the project website (Accessed 2017-09-05):
How is Humanities research reshaped and transformed by the digital rhythm of data production and publication? HumaReC investigates this question using the test-case of the edition of a unique trilingual Greek, Latin and Arabic New Testament manuscript.
The manuscript published is Marciana Gr. Z. 11 (379), a Sicilian 12th codex containing portions of the New Testament (Acts, the catholic letters and the Pauline letters) in Greek, Latin and Arabic. The project home page states: "This is the only trilingual Greek, Latin and Arabic manuscript of the New Testament that we know about".