Epigraphic Database Roma

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  • Silvia Orlandi (director)
  • Silvio Panciera (founder)


The Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR) is a searchable resource that provides texts, bibliographic citations and descriptive data for Latin and Greek inscriptions from ancient Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia). As such, EDR forms an essential component of the Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE).

The project was founded by Silvio Panciera (then chair of Latin Epigraphy in the Facoltà di Scienze Umanistiche dell'Università di Roma - La Sapienza) in 1999, and put its first data online in 2003 with the computational collaboration of CISADU (Interdepartmental Center of Services for the Automation of the Humanities) of the same University. The project has now branched out around the chair of Latin Epigraphy (now occupied by Silvia Orlandi), to comprise a network of partnerships throughout Italy that engage other universities, soprintendenze, organizations and independent scholars. Among the major units reporting progress at a 2008 meeting in Rome were the universities of Genova, Milano (Cattolica and Statale), Bergamo, Trieste, Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Macerata, Siena, Perugia, Napoli ("L'Orientale") and Bari.

As of December 2019, EDR contained texts for over 90,000 texts of inscriptions and over 58,000 photos. The current database and its interface permit users to discover content by searching on a combination of descriptive, bibliographic and full-text fields. The EDR interface is presented in Italian and English. It provides various helps for users, as well as information about the project, its history and collaborators. At present, EDR does not provide cool URIs for individual inscriptions, nor web feeds summarizing content or search results; however, direct links to individual inscriptions may be constructed with a query of the form: http://www.edr-edr.it/edr_programmi/res_complex_comune.php?do=book&id_nr=EDR000001. Similarly, other fields in the database may be queried to provide standing links, for example: http://www.edr-edr.it/edr_programmi/res_complex_comune.php?do=book&fo_antik=Bergomum. The full range of variables available include:

  • id_nr
  • provinz
  • land
  • fo_antik
  • fo_modern
  • fundstelle
  • aufbewahrung
  • denkmaltyp
  • material
  • mis_alto
  • mis_largo
  • mis_spesso
  • status_tituli
  • scriptura
  • lingua
  • i_gattung
  • livellosocialeTot
  • Bibliografia
  • Testo
  • dat_tag
  • dat_monat
  • dat_jahr_a
  • dat_jahr_e
  • mis_alto
  • mis_largo
  • mis_spesso
  • dat_jahr_a
  • dat_jahr_e

Note that when constructing queries against fields containing measurements (mis_alto, mis_largo, mis_spesso, dat_jahr_a and dat_jahr_e), one must also use a second variable (prefix ope_) to indicate how to evaluate the query. So:

ope_mis_alto=%3C%3D per fare ricerche nel campo mis_alto con il segno di < o =
ope_mis_alto=%3C%3E per fare ricerche nel campo mis_alto con il segno di > o =
ope_dat_jahr_a=%3D per fare ricerche nel campo dat_jahr_a con il segno =

Thus, the following query does not work:


but this one does:


(Thanks to Silvia Evangelisti for reviewing this entry and providing details on query construction).