Epigraphic Database Bari
- Antonio Enrico Felle
From the project website (accessed 2014-12-02):
The Epigraphic Database Bari project (EDB), started in 1988, specializes in the epigraphic documents by Christians of Rome between III-rd and VIII-th cent. CE in the framework of the Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE), to whom it participates as founding-member - with EDH and EDR - since 2004.
Most of these epigraphic documents were published in the Inscriptiones Christianae Vrbis Romae, nova series, voll. I-X, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, in civitate Vaticana 1922-1992 (ICVR). EDB plains to update ICVR and to collect also the other Christian inscriptions from Rome and its suburbium published elsewhere(*).
The total amount of Christian inscriptions from Late Ancient Rome is estimated to be around 40,000, although this number is increasing continually. Currently, EDB has 36941 items (online: 31495; awaiting definitive approval: 5446).
Every epigraphic document is accompanied by data about bibliographical informations, contexts, material, graphical and linguistic elements. The transcription of texts is obviously offered as well, and the entire document is accompanied by its estimated date of production (if possible) and short comments, when necessary. Based an agreement established between the EDB and the Papal Commission of Sacred Archeology (PCAS), a dynamic link to the Archive of the PCAS allows the visualization of pictures - if existing - of the documents.
The interrogation of the database features more research criteria, both within the texts (various possibilities for textual research are featured, included a thesaurus finalized to search also aberrant forms) and in relation to the other descriptive elements of the documents. Research on the texts in Latin and Greek, within which the figurative apparatus is also described (signa Christi, symbols, various representations) can be made in combination with the other provided data.