Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité en images

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Jean-Luc Fournet (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris)


(Translated from the project home page)

Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité en images: la banque des images des papyrus de l'Aphrodité byzantine (BIPAb) is the first "horizontal" database of images of papyri: its object is a coherent set of papyri dispersed among several collections. It aims to collect all the images of the papyri of the "Dioscoros archive". This is a bilingual archive of Greek and Coptic papyri (ca. 650), dating back to the sixth century; they were found in the village of Aphrodito and are related to the landlord and notary Dioscoros. The creation of the BIPAb stems from these issues: the papyri of the Dioscoros archive were dispersed across different collections soon after their discovery, which was made, in great part, clandestinely; most of these texts have been published without images; the great amount of papyri (ca. 650)