DigiClass/Wiki editing

From The Digital Classicist Wiki
Revision as of 17:20, 22 June 2012 by JoelKalvesmaki (talk | contribs) (Changed formatting)
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Editing the Digitalclassicist wiki

The Digitalclassicist wiki runs on MediaWiki, which uses a Wikipedia-style markup system apply links, add tables, insert images, and so forth. MediaWiki has a good guide to the standard editorial conventions. An excellent way to learn how to edit is to find a page that looks interesting, click edit, and study the formatting.

How do I add a new page to the list of projects or tools?

Somewhere in the page--it doesn't matter where--add this text: [[category:tools]]

How do I add links?

MediaWiki has a full explanation of link nomenclature. This wiki tends to use mostly the following types of links (note the subtle but important differences in punctuation):

  • external pages, of the form [http://www.example.com link title] (shortcut: click the picture of the globe in the editor)
  • other wiki pages, of the form [[Link title|alternate text]] (shortcut: click the Ab)
  • wiki categories, of the form [[:category:example|alternate text]] (no shortcut for this one; and make sure the first colon is included; without it the page is simply assigned to that category and no link will be supplied)