Collection of Greek Ritual Norms

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The project, as of September 2016, is still ongoing and has not produced an online edition or a comprehensive project webpage. See section References below for online information on the project.


  • Coordinators: Vincianne Pirenne-Delforge, Jan-Mathieu Carbon, Saskia Peels.
  • Other Collaborators: Stefano Caneva, Sylvain Lebreton, Stéphanie Paul.


Taken from the project official website (Accessed 2016-09-06):

The project, begun in 2012 and scheduled for completion at the end of 2015, gathers together a selection of 250 Greek inscriptions which are usually called "sacred laws" in current scholarship. This misleading rubric is in fact comprised of a wide variety of epigraphic documents, including decrees, calendars, boundary stones, etc, from all across the ancient Greek world.
