ICAM / ICG – Inscriptiones Christianae Asiae Minoris / Graeciae

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  • Cilliers Breytenbach
  • Klaus Hallof


ICAM (Inscriptiones Christianae Asiae Minoris) / ICG (Inscriptiones Christianae Graeciae) is an online database of early Christian inscriptions from those geographical areas (Greece and Asia Minor respectively).

Since 2013 the scope of the archive expanded beyond Asia Minor - its original focus - and included Achaia and Macedonia. As of February 2015, the database home page declares that 2600 inscriptions are included, 1000 coming from Lycaonia, the only region whose epigraphic material was included in its entirety. At this time, the inscriptions of Galatia, Caria and Ionia are being processed. Its goal is to include all inscriptions from Asia Minor, Greece, the Aegean islands and the lower Danube and to create links to other epigraphical databases.

The project is funded by the German TOPOI research excellence cluster.